Picture of Average Ring Size for Women and How To Measure

Average Ring Size for Women and How To Measure

Shopping for a ring is different than shopping for a women's bracelet or necklace because it's difficult to find the right ring size. Ring size is a curious thing, and surprisingly few people actually know the correct size of each finger on their hands. This leads to a huge amount of frustration each day—returns, trade-ins, adjustments—it all adds up in time and money. But how do you measure your ring size to find the perfect fit?
Let’s get to the bottom of this issue once and for all and answer all the key questions regarding women’s ring sizes. What is the average ring size for women, how do sizes vary between people, and what’s the best way to measure with maximum accuracy?
If you’ve still got unanswered questions on this subject, look no further. We’re happy to bring you the definitive guide to women’s ring sizes, starting now.

Ring Stats: Average Sizes and Fun Facts

What are the facts when it comes to average ring size for women and the variables at play? 
Let’s start with the must-know information first.

Averages for Fingers

When researching average ring sizes for women, you’ve got to go one finger at a time.
Here’s a helpful tip to remember: from the pinky to the thumb, ring size will generally increase by one whole number at a time. That means the ring finger will be one size bigger than the pinky, one size smaller than the middle finger, and so on.
With that said, the average ring size for a woman’s ring finger is a size 6 give or take half sizes, in standard United States measurement. That’s about 16.5 millimeters of the inside diameter.
From there, you can figure out the average ring sizes from pinky to thumb with simple addition and subtraction.
Ring sizing charts can be found anywhere on the web, which lets you convert these sizes to millimeters for a real-world number you can understand.

Fluctuations and Variables

Size 6 may be commonplace, but remember that averages don’t tell the whole story.
Women’s ring sizes vary anywhere from 4.5 all the way up to 10 across the hand, so make no assumptions and do your research before locking in a purchase. And don't forget— there's always the half size.
Many women also report that their ring sizes change over time or even over the course of a single year. This could be due to lifestyle shifts, diet and exercise, pregnancy or hormonal changes, or just the progression of the seasons.
That’s why most jewelers recommend that women buy rings with a bit of room to spare, just in case you experience some fluctuation in weight or the musculature of the hand develops over time.

Wide vs. Thin Bands

It makes sense that wider rings are a bit trickier to get on and off since there is more surface area pressing directly on the skin. This can lead to increased friction and potential inflammation.
Keep this in mind whether you’re buying a ring for yourself or a woman in your life.
Another half-size up will typically suffice when buying a wider, thicker ring with more material surrounding the finger.

Best Ring Measurement Methods

Now that you’ve got the scoop on average ring sizes, let’s talk about getting the right size with minimal effort and max accuracy.

Ring Sizing tools

If you’re starting from scratch on your ring buying journey, we recommend printing out a ring size chart from any corner of the web. Just make sure the chart features the proper measurements for your region (USA, EU, etc.), and you print the correct dimensions.
Some of these print-outs require you first measure with a ruler to get the diameter info, while others will have you cut out a strip of measuring tape to get a more accurate read. There is also a wide range of plastic ring sizing tools available for cheap online.
We recommend trying at least two or three ring sizers in a sitting and jot down every single measurement you find in an orderly manner. Use a spreadsheet if you need to. This information will prove very useful in the future, guaranteed.

Professional Opinion

While a printable ring sizer is great for finding your perfect fit, trying the different ring sizes on in person may be more accurate. If you have the luxury of shopping for a ring and can locate a trusted jeweler in your area, use their expertise to your advantage.
They’ll know exactly what ring size is perfect for each finger and even recommend the best materials, shapes, and styles based on your unique physical features.

Find Her Size: Tips for Friends and Partners

Many ring shoppers are buying for someone else — and it might need to be kept secret! You want to get the best gift for her and make it a special surprise.
Here are some tips to get the size right without letting the cat out of the bag:

Stealth Mission

Cue the Mission: Impossible theme song. You can dig through her jewelry collection and size rings when she isn’t looking or try to uncover information through casual conversation and off-handed remarks.
If you aren’t a good spy, don’t worry. This isn’t as hard as it sounds!
Also, remember what we mentioned earlier about ring sizes between fingers. This will help you make the most accurate guess, even if you don’t have the exact right ring to base your assumption.

Ask Around

Ask her friends, her sister, her mom — anyone who might have a bit of inside info. Family members and friends will also work with you, going undercover and relaying ring size info back to you without raising alarms.

Get it Right

It’s a lot of pressure, we know. But we urge you to put in the effort upfront, get the correct ring size first try, and avoid hassles down the road.
Keep in mind that resizing rings is never an ideal scenario, especially if there are diamonds embedded in the ring.
Use our tips in this ring size guideto get the right size and save yourself a lot of frustration in the future!

Women’s Ring Sizes Explained

We’re glad to get to the bottom of these pressing questions regarding women’s ring sizes.
Averages, fun facts, and tips galore - there is plenty of useful info packed into this article, so be sure to save it for future reference. Much can be applied to men’s rings, too.
After all, you never know when you might need to do some ring shopping for a special person in your life. Be informed, be prepared, and go find the ring of your dreams.
How to Measure Ring Size | Real Simple
Average Ring Size for Men and Women | Brides
19 Tips to Guess Ring Size | SomethingBorrowed