Picture of Blake Snell and JAXXON - The Perfect Game

Blake Snell and JAXXON - The Perfect Game


Baseball player and World Series champion Blake Snell has just taken his talents to the men’s fashion industry, joining the ever-growing roster of JAXXON athletes. Equal parts athlete and fashion icon, Blake Snell has consistently shown off his own personal style with confidence. Snell’s success on the field and sense of style have proven that he is the perfect fit for JAXXON, standing for quality jewelry for men who are looking for amazing products that are sure to enhance their wardrobe.

With his undeniable athletic prowess and instinctive style on deck, Blake sets a standard many try to imitate, but few succeed. Now, men looking to up their fashion and jewelry game can look no further than JAXXON for top-of-the-line luxury pieces.

"I loved watching Blake take apart teams in the playoffs and witnessing first hand how quickly the city and its fans came to love his talent style,” said Bear D’Egidio, CMO of JAXXON. “One of the reasons we enjoy working with Blake so much is that he’s exactly what we envisioned as a JAXXON man, someone that is confident, fashionable and knows how to look good.”

What keeps Blake cool on the field? Luxury items from the Iced Out Cuban Essentials Set.